I-95 Shirley
Highway, northbound approaching the Fairfax County Parkway interchange (Exit
166). The first advance notification sign for the Springfield
ramp highway to I-95 north, is visible,
indicating that it is 4 miles ahead. It is simply signed as continuous northbound
I-95. |
I-95 Shirley
Highway, northbound approaching the Fairfax County Parkway interchange. This
segment of I-95 has 3 general purpose lanes each way, with a reversible 2-lane
HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) roadway between the two general purpose roadways.
Notice the sound barrier to the left. |
I-95 Shirley
Highway, northbound about 2 miles from Springfield. An advance notification
sign for the Springfield express ramp highway
to I-95 north, is visible to the right, indicating --
N.J. - N.Y.
I-95 Shirley
Highway, northbound 1 and 1/2 miles from Springfield. An advance notification
sign is visible to the right. Northbound I-395 (Shirley Highway to Washington),
and northbound I-495 (Beltway Inner Loop to Tysons Corner), are signed as
exits from I-95, in accordance with nationally recognized highway signing
standards. |
I-95 Shirley
Highway, northbound 1 mile from Springfield. An advance notification sign
for the Springfield express ramp highway to I-95 north, is visible above (NORTH
95 - EAST 495 - Baltimore - LEFT LANES), 1 mile from the ramp highway. There
are 4 northbound lanes, and traffic to the Outer Loop of the Beltway is directed
to the left two lanes, and traffic to I-395 and to the Inner Loop of the Beltway
is directed to the right two lanes. Notice the variable message sign (VMS)
that is indicating the status of the I-95/I-395 Shirley Highway 2-lane reversible
roadway, which today (December 25th, a national holiday) is open to unrestricted
traffic, and at this time is operating northbound. Notice the sound barrier
to the right. |
I-95 Shirley
Highway, the beginning of the I-95 express ramp highway is ahead, visible
where the highway divides around the overpass piers ahead -- NORTH 95 - EAST
495 - Baltimore.
Northbound I-395 (Shirley Highway to Washington),
and northbound I-495 (Beltway Inner Loop to Tysons Corner), are signed as
exits from I-95, in accordance with nationally recognized highway signing
I-95 Shirley
Highway, the beginning of the I-95 express ramp highway is ahead, visible
where the highway divides around the overpass piers ahead. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, at the entrance of the 2-lane roadway. The overpass
bridges ahead, are part of the ramps from eastbound VA-644 Old Keene Mill
Road, to northbound I-95 and northbound I-395. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the 2-lane roadway. The overpass bridges ahead, are
part of the ramps from eastbound VA-644 Old Keene Mill Road, to northbound
I-95 and northbound I-395. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the 2-lane roadway. All of these photos are in driving
sequence. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. The first overpass bridge ahead is part
of the ramp from westbound VA-644 Franconia Road to southbound I-95. The second
overpass bridge ahead is the Commerce Street viaduct, part of a local 4-lane
arterial in Springfield. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. The overpass bridge ahead is the Commerce
Street viaduct, part of a local 4-lane arterial in Springfield. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. The third lane on the right merging into the roadway,
is part of the ramp from eastbound VA-644 Old Keene Mill Road, to northbound
I-95. The bridge overhead is the Commerce Street viaduct, part of a local
4-lane arterial in Springfield. The Springfield Interchange roadways connecting
northbound I-95 to northbound I-395 and northbound I-495, are visible to the
right. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. The concrete barricade on a section
of the right shoulder ahead, is there temporarily to protect a sign assembly
that is awaiting erection on the project. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. The concrete barricade on a section
of the right shoulder ahead, is there temporarily to protect a sign assembly
that is awaiting erection on the project. The flyover bridge on the roadway,
begins ahead. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. Approaching the beginning of the 3,448-foot-long
flyover bridge, which begins a couple hundred feet ahead, visible where the
dark grey asphalt pavement transitions to the light brown concrete bridge
deck. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway. This is on the beginning of the B-609
flyover bridge, which passes over northbound I-395, eastbound I-495 (the Outer
Loop of the Beltway), and 5 future HOV ramps (part of future Phase 8 of the
SIIP that will provide an HOV-to-HOV interchange between I-95/I-395 Shirley
Highway and I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway).
The B-609 flyover bridge is 3,448 feet long.
The B-609 bridge is part of the 0095-029-F20,C-505 project, also referred
to as Phase 6/7 of the Springfield Interchange Improvement Project (SIIP).
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the B-609 flyover bridge. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge. The traffic lanes
are each 12 feet wide (the standard for Interstate highways), and the typical
right shoulder is 12 feet wide, but there is a section visible to the right
where the right shoulder is 20 feet wide for about 600 feet length, and
that extra width is to provide an emergency incident storage area for vehicles.
The I-95 southbound express ramp
highway flyover bridge has a similar feature. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge. The roadway begins
to curve to the right. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge. The roadway curves
to the right.
All photos were
taken with a 2.2x telephoto lens setting. This ramp highway is an Interstate-standard
2-lane mainline roadway that is easily drivable at 60 mph. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge. The roadway curves
to the right. Visible behind this bridge, is the 2-lane I-95 southbound flyover
ramp highway from the Beltway Inner Loop (from Wilson Bridge) to I-95 south. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge. Visible behind
this bridge, is the 2-lane I-95 southbound flyover ramp highway from the Beltway
Inner Loop (from Wilson Bridge) to I-95 south.
The reason for the considerably greater height
of the I-95 southbound flyover bridge, compared to the height of the I-95
northbound flyover bridge, is because that 2 of the HOV ramps in future Phase
8 of the SIIP, will pass under the I-95 southbound flyover bridge and over
a lower-level roadway, comprising a new middle level of roadway between the
currently existing two levels at that point. Those future HOV ramps will not
pass under the I-95 northbound flyover bridge.
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway of the flyover bridge, approaching the
end of the 3,448-foot-long bridge,
which ends a couple hundred feet ahead, visible
where light brown concrete bridge deck transitions to the dark grey asphalt
pavement. The mainline of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway is visible in the
distance. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, after end of the flyover bridge. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. Notice the high concrete retaining
walls to the right of the Outer Loop roadway, those walls were utilized in
major earthwork cut sections to preserve homes near the highway. Notice the
high sound barriers behind the concrete retaining walls. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. Notice to the left, the beginning
of the flyover bridge in the 2-lane I-95 southbound flyover ramp highway from
the Beltway Inner Loop (from Wilson Bridge) to I-95 south. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. |
I-95 northbound
express ramp highway, on the roadway, approaching the merge into the Outer
Loop of the I-95/I-495 Capital Beltway. |
Capital Beltway, eastbound on Outer Loop heading toward the VA-613 Van Dorn
Street interchange (Exit 173), and the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. |
Capital Beltway, eastbound on Outer Loop. The bridge visible ahead in the
mainline of the Beltway, passes over the CSXT railroad mainline (which carries
freight trains, Amtrak trains, and Virginia Railway Express commuter trains),
and passes over the WMATA Metrorail Franconia/Springfield route (Blue Line
trains). |
Capital Beltway, eastbound on Outer Loop. The bridge being ridden upon, passes
over the CSXT railroad mainline, and the WMATA Metrorail line. |
Capital Beltway, eastbound on Outer Loop, approaching the VA-613 Van Dorn
Street interchange (Exit 173). The Woodrow Wilson Bridge is 5 miles ahead. |